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Orients Occidents Nexus

Berlin, Germany

Orients Occidents Nexus

Chair Title :

la Chaire Rencontre et transfert des arts et du savoir entre l’Orient et l’Occident

Creation date :

June 23, 2021

Field / Spécialization :

Visual Arts / Humanities / History of Sciences

Objectives of the chair :

The specific objectives of this chair are as follows:

  • Promote studies of periods, places, when and where East and West met, and enrich each other through arts and knowledge; their mutual perceptions, with a focus on the East's perception of those periods and places of encounter;

  • Promotion of studies of forms and elements of the arts that have moved from the East to the Occident and from the Occident to the East;

  • Conducting studies highlighting the transfer of knowledge between East and West;

  • Promotion and conduct of technical research on the subject of the Chair;

  • To help make cultural exchange between East and West more visible.

SIHAM Issami

SIHAM Issami

Director of Nexus East West,
Artist, writer and humanities researcher

Video presentation :


Activity :

Gallery :

Publications :

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